Autor: Affilired
3 de September de 2018

We are off to the Affiliate Summit APAC 2018 from the 1st Oct to the 3rd Oct.

Since 2010, Affilired has attended all the Affiliate Summit shows that our busy schedule has allowed us to do so because, from our own experience, we believe Affiliate Summit Shows to be one of the industry’s most prestigious events. A showcase for everything that is new and upcoming within the affiliate industry. Our experience of them has always been very positive, due to the fact that every time we have attended one, we have taken full advantage of the event, taking the opportunity to keep up with the latest trends and finding time to put a face to some of the most important people and companies such as ShareASale and Affiliate Window within the industry.

Affiliates, publishers, affiliate networks and companies specialising in digital solutions for the affiliate industry find the “AS” to be an ideal setting to network and learn from the industry’s guru what the future hold holds for the industry.

Given what we have mentioned above, it will come as no surprise to know that we decided without hesitation to attend the 1st Affiliate Summit ever to be held in the Asia Pacific region, to be precise in Singapore, at the spectacular Marina Bay Sands, on 1st, 2nd and 3rd October 2018. It will be a great opportunity given the number of attendees, to do some really good networking and attend some of the specialised conferences they have planned.

Representing Affilired throughout the 3 days will be our Asia Pacific Director Manoj K Sheoran and our Operations Manager Pooja Pallavi. If you are planning to attend what looks like to be a very promising summit and you would like an appointment, please, do not hesitate to contact us beforehand as it is going to be a busy 3 days and our agenda is filling up rapidly.

See you in Singapore!