
In our previous article, we explained all about native advertising and the benefits it has for the tourism industry. So, if you have already thought about integrating it as a part of your marketing strategy then, pay close attention while we show you the different types of native advertising. In general terms, they are classified...


Let’s assume you have a well-designed website with high-quality content, a low bounce rate, which shows your page is interesting, and you have hundreds or even thousands of visitors per month. Then we should congratulate you, it appears that your business is in good health and the clearest sign of a job well done is...


AffiliRed has created the calendar for travel industry professionals. Here you have the best dates to promote your travel company and the most relevant travel shows around the globe! Save the 2018 Calendar in your favourites!


The booking engine is one of the most important parts of your business. The booking engine allows your potential customers to make direct purchases or direct bookings on your website eliminating the need for an intermediary. So, it is important to consider all the key requirements before making any final decision about which Booking Engine...