Autor: Affilired
31 de January de 2017
Today, we say goodbye to the first month of 2017 by celebrating the birthday of our CTO Oscar Riera, which also gives us the perfect excuse for us to sit down with him and ask him a few random questions.
Who is Oscar Riera? Besides being the “father” of our software which manages the platform, master of our tracking code and a crackerjack at developing solutions for the endless issues that the AffiliRed team raises everyday, he is also the instigator of our beloved #affilifridays and a lover of fine cuisine.
- Oscar, which super powers would you like to have?
More super powers? No thanks. I have enough…. no, now seriously, would “World peace” work as an answer?
- Which song do you often listen to (but of course would never openly confess to)?
I don’t hide what I listen to, but I know I have a rather unique taste and even if I did have one to be ashamed of, I certainly wouldn’t tell you! To be honest I like artists which aren’t mainstream such as Dead Kennedys. I have quite a varied taste in music: house, bossa, punk and 70’s and 80’s classics. I don’t really turn up my nose at anything.
- Imagine you had to go to a desert island and you could only take one thing with you. What would it be?
A boat, so I could leave straight away. I am a very active person, and for me a desert island would be like being in a prison.
- Which is your favourite proverb or motto:
Whatever happens it is always the same old thing.
- You should never go out without…
Clothes. Honest!
- As a lover of fine cuisine, can you tell us which would be the perfect menu for you?
I don’t believe there’s such a thing as the perfect menu, but THE essential ingredient for any recipe for a perfect evening is quite simply good company. It is more important who you share your meal with rather than the food you eat.