It is a year since AffiliRed began its collaboration with the Bal Niketan Orphanage in Panchkula.
Although we don’t always tell you about our solidarity actions, for the past year our colleagues from the Asia Pacific Division have gone on the 13th of each month, without exception, to the Bal Niketan Orphanage in Panchkula to have a special lunch with the children and spend the day with them filled with activities, stories and laughter.
For some years, AffiliRed has incorporated Corporate Social Responsibility actions in its annual plans. Our commitment, although it has been offered to other various social causes, always ends up being aimed at the most vulnerable groups of our society, such as children. We are proud to have been able to collaborate with various noble causes such as: the Foundation Rana, whose incredible work is directed at the prevention of sexual and child abuse and they also offer support to the victims of this crime, the Butterfly Skin Association, which is part of a larger group organization, providing support to children with rare diseases and their families or with Intermon Oxfam for the creation of safe drinking water wells in areas depressed by poverty and wars.
Our contribution is not only economic, as the involvement of the AffiliRed team goes a lot further than that as in the case of the Bal Niketan Orphanage in India, just a few kilometres away from our Asia Pacific division office.
Every month, 2 different members of the team visit the Children’s home to spend a couple of hours with them having lunch with them, chatting, also offering them affection and hugs as well taking them much-needed supplies, such as clothes, new mattresses for their beds, school supplies and computers.
At the moment our colleague Devender Panghal is organizing some computer lessons for any boys and girls who are interested in learning computer skills. Our wish is to give them the necessary tools they need to grow up to be happy and independent adults. By giving them our support we are helping to change their lives and the reality in which they live.
The most recent visits to Bal Niketan were made by Pooja Pallavi, our Operations Manager of APAC and Palky Gagneja, Assistant Account Manager, who moved us with their words on their return to the office.
Both of us were brought up by single mother and it is for that reason perhaps we can empathize more with their pain and inability to change a life that they did not choose.
These children have no one to give them affection, we at least were lucky to have our mothers.
Our visit has been very rewarding because it makes us feel useful, that we are making a difference and this motivates us to continue supporting them as much as we can.
It is our small contribution to helping them build their own lives.
All those who have visited the orphanage agree that it is a very enriching experience for both parties and we will continue to support them in every way we can.