Autor: Affilired
27 de March de 2017

AffiliRed helps to put wings on “butterfly children”.

Two years ago, AffiliRed collaborated with the Debra Association, supporting children with a rare, little known disease: Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). In many countries, Butterfly Children is the term used to describe younger patients of this illness, which causes terrific skin blisters and makes the skin extremely fragile, as a butterfly’s wings.

The Debra Association, whose mission is to improve the quality of the lives affected by this awful disease, have been raising awareness about this condition since 1993 and it is thanks to their fantastic efforts that this disease is now more widely known.

Their next event will be held really close to us, here in Palma de Mallorca and all funds raised will go to improve the quality of Marc’s life:

It is not just the fragility of his skin that stands out from the video but the huge strength and determination these children have. We know that “Butterfly Children” desease is incurable, but there is much more we can do to improve their lives.

First step in supporting Marc begins by attending a really magical evening that will take place at Tui Teatre (Palma de Mallorca) on May 7 at 18.00pm with a fusion of dance ,music and theatre from “Viajando con sus alas” (travelling with wings) who will enchant the audience with their magic.

Not only will we be there, but we are also very proud to sponsor the event so that these children can fly a little higher. We would love all of you to come along to the event and we would also like to thank you for helping us to raise people’s consciences about this awful disease and helping to spread the word of the event through your social media and of course word of mouth because …

Many small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world.

Eduardo Galeano.